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[英文] 英语美文:我可以坐这里吗 [複製鏈接]

英语美文:我可以坐这里吗0 l8 V! R) ]/ t) |$ [0 c7 m4 q
& V- s7 j% v- F& h# u. Z4 V
  I look at spiders and butter-flies . I watch caterpillars and moths . Sometimes I think I'm the only one who notices these things . But if it hadn't been for a crowded cafeteria , I wouldn't Have ever noticed Valeri . After all , I wasn't looking for new friends .
  Q% B1 C* q: \9 c+ U' h* @  我观察蜘蛛和蝴蝶,还研究毛毛虫和飞蛾。有时,我想我是唯一注意这些事物的人了。要不是一家拥挤的自助餐厅,我将永远不会注意到瓦莱丽。毕竟,我一直都没有找新朋友。
3 U1 r$ g& Z& M7 J! k  Valeri was a new student . She walked to class with her books huddled against her chest and her head down . He talked only when the teacher asked her a question . After a month at our school , she hadn't made any friend . At recess , she sat on a bench and read . If you asked who she was , you'd get a response like this , "She's in my PE class , I can't remenber her name ."9 Y* L7 B. s, G) q! w6 D
# |1 T* G3 a- B7 g6 V$ Q# K  Z+ F! c  One day at lunch , I had nowhere to sit . Most tables were full , my friends scattered among them . But Valeri sat alone , book in hand , I walked over to her .0 _/ k$ q3 `9 o
  一天,吃午餐时,餐桌差不多都坐满了,我没地方坐了,我的朋友们都分散开了。但瓦莱丽拿着书一个人坐在那儿。于是,我朝她走了过去。" C6 C: o- p  U# D7 I7 L# g. `7 M
  "May I sit here ?"I asked .
# F4 Y5 z  x2 H+ d" z, a( i" v  “我可以坐在这儿吗?”我问。/ \5 u* O, t  y- G* o
  "Sure ,"she said .0 H# T% ?, w. _
4 ]% H! }- t+ F9 _% `% ^4 X  The cafeteria was noisy , but silence hung between us . Valeri didn't seem to mind , but it drove me crazy . I searched my mind for things to say .: Z6 x& C/ V' D% R
3 Y" w* B, G$ I  "So,"I said , "is that a good book?"Valeri gave a small nod and went back to reading . "What's it about?"I asked , after several more agonizing seconds of silence . She looked at me , her eyes sparkling .5 [! N: |7 D9 o& @5 D- a9 r+ y( w
  “呃,那本书很好看吧?”瓦莱丽轻轻的点了点头,又继续看书。“都写了些什么呢?”我问道。一阵令人恼火的沉默之后,她终于看着我,眼中闪出异样的光芒。" Z' G( d( b: W) ^6 P
  "Well , it's called Eragon , and it's about a dragon!This boy , Eragon , finds this dragon egg when he goes hunging one day . He thinks it's a rock !The egg hatches and Eragon hides the dragon from his cousin and uncle until it gets too big ."" a- V* B+ x& n" ]- F
  “唔,它叫《龙骑士》,讲的是关于一条龙的故事!一天,一个名叫鄂尔根的男孩打猎时,发现了一枚龙蛋。他以为那是一块石头,但那枚龙蛋孵化出龙来,鄂尔根怕他的叔叔和堂兄发现,便把那条龙藏了起来,直到它长大。”$ }5 `/ T  L+ u$ @1 S; [. B
  "That sounds cool."I said. I was about to ask her another question,but the bell rang.2 A7 J# [* h8 a8 R' u3 G
6 P0 a7 P6 X+ I; F. n2 ~9 x2 |  As I rushed out of the cafeteria , I called to Valeri , "See you later ."
+ {6 Z) i" [! _2 F3 ?4 O& H1 v0 \  我一边往餐厅外冲,一边对她大叫:“再见。”
0 f: _4 x( C: C) G  "Yeah,"she said,"see you later."She sounded doubtful .$ }1 Q5 A8 t5 j8 S
  “好的,”她说,“再见。”她的声音若有若无。* Q* `$ k9 F8 Q# |: F; w, J- `
  A couple days later , I spotted Valeri looking for a place to sit at lunch .
$ U. e/ h& z9 N" S4 H7 w$ t  几天以后,我发现瓦莱丽正在找地方坐下来吃饭。  o5 x4 o, l: m# @  I
  "Valeri , come here."I pointed to an empty chair .4 a* Z4 F% Q  }
  “瓦莱丽,来这里。”我指着一个空座位说。1 h0 n( N2 F* @/ t8 f
  She sat down and pulled out her book . Everyone was talking about next week's talent show . "So ,what are you doing for the show? "My friend Erin asked my friend Kelly .; k5 i* e" a+ p/ k' e+ F
/ D" \* }, Q9 f& T% [2 j) _6 j# e  "Oh,I don't know , probably nothing,"Kelly sighed ."What are you doing?"She pointed to Valeri.0 B( s3 e& t# e; Z/ n3 j/ Z6 J
& K8 f% y& Z& h% j  "Oh."Valeri put her book down ."I don't know . Maybe nothing."3 K' X. o' Y* s& B& Q
3 G' j  x* g7 D( R! Y3 w  The week flew by . Before I knew it . I was sitting in the auditorium , listening to a group of girls sing the latest pop songs at the talent show . I was bored out of my life , and I wanted it to end so I could read Eragon . I'd checked it out at the library , Then a shy girl walked on stage . I recongized her immediately . Valeri clutched a violin in one hand and a bow in the other .
, b" L  N: N! O- t2 z: H5 L, F! o  不知不觉中,周末就到了,我坐在会堂里,听一群女孩子唱当下最流行的歌曲,感觉却枯燥极了,真希望演唱快点结束,那样我就可以看《龙骑士》了,我在图书馆找到了这本书。这时,一个腼腆的女孩走上了舞台,我立刻认出了她------瓦莱丽。她一手抓着小提琴,一手拿着琴弓。
( I4 |: f1 m( p' z) @# r: x8 z  She stared to play . The notes formed a soft , weet tune . Then it turned fast , then faster . The music stopped altogether before the tune retumed . Valeri ended the song with one hard , fast , loud note . The auditorium fell completely silent until we realized the music was finished . Still in a halftrance , we burst into applause . Valeri took a swift bow and walked off stage .( F0 F8 K0 z! B% }
& U! Z. b1 @& R8 [4 {  I smiled to myself . Valeri wasn't just a "quiet girl" .She knew about wonderful books and could play the violin like nothing I'd ever heard . Like a caterpillar or butterfly , she was beautiful and amazing when you looked closely .
6 L$ S( r2 S- @; S3 X5 t  我暗自微笑,原来瓦莱丽不仅仅是一个“安静的女孩”,她博览奇妙的好书,能拉出我闻所未闻的小提琴曲。她就像那毛毛虫或蝴蝶,当你靠近她,仔细的观察,你会发现,她有着惊人的美。
4 B) c2 m: i) k6 b4 C" e4 a, [6 ?3 `2 [3 `6 \* S
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發表於 2017-6-10 11:25:44 | 只看該作者

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