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埃贡·席勒—过度 Egon Schiele - Exzesse[AVI/1.37 GB] [複製鏈接]

6 A' G9 {7 L( Y) T2 m+ `* L! R
  z0 Z- o  E8 k  E1 X; v- q埃贡·席勒—过度 Egon Schiele - Exzesse (1981)
' i* U) Y' A2 l7 z- B更新描述或海报# t7 `. j+ M9 \( Y
导演: Herbert Vesely, W( [; G3 g- b3 y1 Z. w) U
编剧: 赫伯特·维斯利 / Leo Tichat
- a$ ~0 V) ~5 w主演: 马修·加里瑞 / 简·伯金 / 克里斯汀·考夫曼 / Kristina Van Eyck / Karina Fallenstein / Ramona Leiß; u! y; `8 i8 ~$ O
类型: 剧情) n: o" f1 H7 J6 ]. l- q
制片国家/地区: 西德 / 法国 / 奥地利  P. h  R( c- E8 X% r
语言: 德语
# d6 f: u) f/ L0 H上映日期: 1996-01-31& ^% ?- Q, E, }6 s4 {6 |, O9 B
片长: 95 分钟 / Argentina: 88 分钟
' |7 k+ j' [  xIMDb链接: tt0082311
0 o9 Q' d$ y5 G3 H5 @* j5 @  Herbert Vesely was one of the promises for a new German cinema already in the 50's, but after the 60's his star was already dimmed. He made a small number of films in the 70's and 80's, all non too good. This biography of Egon Schiele, one of the most important Austrian artists, is an example of the pretensions and emptiness of a Vesely-film of later date.
# H/ _+ R. h0 v; e  The life of Schiele is presented here as a puzzle; well, Vesely thinks that Schiele's life was a puzzle: the core of the story is centered around the famous 1912 pornography trial and using this as base the film shows fragments of past and future. The problem is that it never becomes a unity and that the order of scenes and sequences seems to be at random: a cut-and-paste job that could have had any other result. Indeed, after seeing it twice I am almost convinced of it that a unsatisfactory linear thought-out film was changed into the puzzle in the editing room. Egon Schiele was an enigmatic man, but not a total puzzle, and this film does not bring him any closer.3 `$ d) J# \7 x7 t" |7 a
  The films also fails in conveying the eroticism and meaning of the Schiele's paintings: the camera watches and glides over the models without any understanding of Schiele's intentions, we only see beautiful naked bodies. If interested in Schiele, you better buy a book with his works in stead.  
6 b. C( ?9 @; R8 A+ D% v! _1912年Schiele与女朋友Vally搬到纽巴郎市开始叙述的。Vally这个角色非常的没地位,她原先是Klimt的模特,跟Klimt两年,后来被送给Schiele,虽然她爱上了schiele,可schiele对她的爱总不如她那么深,Vally为了帮他卖出画还陪客户睡觉。 2 q0 ?6 b6 {( o5 G& j
  书上写的是由于复杂的原因,席勒与瓦利分手娶了伊迪丝。其实是席勒变心,或者受他遇到了他生命中的那个唯一的女人。而之前与瓦利在一起,对希勒来说不过是方便(当模特,又照顾他起居)满足自己的欲望罢了。而伊迪丝带给他的是超越肉体的爱。所以在伊迪丝命不久矣的时候,席勒还跟她做爱,其实就是想自我了结吧。整部片挺压抑的,就像席勒的绘画一样让人心里纠结的很。仿佛只有伊迪丝才会让席勒绷得紧紧的那根欲望的弦得以松弛,跟别人在一起,特别是女模特,他的欲望总是得不到完全释放,总是被情欲所侵袭。) O  S1 `2 e# ~- }
    The story of artist Egon Schiele, and his excesses of sex, drink and emotion, which tormented his soul and destroyed everything he loved. An examination of obsession and mental torture, with a haunting soundtrack provided by Brian Eno. Jane Birkin plays Wally.
4 h  |, |- x! d5 l9 ^$ d  M& }: m    Director:Herbert Vesely! J: H& g: s' G. i+ `! A
    Stars:Mathieu Carriere, Jane Birkin, Christine Kaufmann, Kristina Van Eyck, Nina Finkenstein, Marcel Ophuls, Ramona Leiss, Danny Mann, Robert Dietl0 L: R6 F& B$ l
4 o) l" q" v) K" n% }2 ~网盘地址: - h8 K7 I. c( {; i& ~
1 P2 s1 K1 i  u' i1 h+ o2 e  z    http://www.fileserve.com/file/Xv8Pd7J
. H0 L, e2 f* X# {" l4 ^& y    http://www.fileserve.com/file/YKkyu2P8 _/ j; [! F. _; _0 u* _7 n4 L& V

# U) s: f; [4 ]3 ]4 o7 L9 g
: j' [5 _2 o( A3 w8 G' [6 l( `& _+ W6 U
, D' H/ C4 z0 a2 d) Z
- ^2 J9 S! c0 Y8 n  v
3 g  h4 ~1 G! _0 }, {
: w" {8 w$ O, p" _6 V" c6 D6 |% m6 }4 C+ Q0 l2 A2 b) B! V

3 Y  p( W# j, P* e9 b, f7 y& w9 R egon.schiele.exzesse.1981.torrent (15 KB, 下載次數: 348)
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